SIA and Law students launch new publication

Penn State has created a new online forum for interdisciplinary analysis, the Penn State Journal of Law and International Affairs. "This journal is designed to promote scholarship and public discourse at the intersection of law and international affairs,” said Amy Gaudion, professor of law and executive editor of the publication. “And to do so in a timely, digital, open access, peer-reviewed format.”

Launched in April, the inaugural issue features contributions from:
  • Vice Admiral James W. Houck, 41st Judge Advocate General of the United States Navy, “Alone on a Wide Sea: A National Security Rationale for Joining the Law of the Sea Convention”
  • Ambassador (Ret.) Richard Butler AC, “Reform of the United Nations Security Council”
  • Professor Clive Schofield, of the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources & Security, “Parting the Waves: Claims to Maritime Jurisdiction and the Division of Ocean Space.”
In its first year, the journal sponsored a number of lectures and symposia, including a year-long lecture series on the evolving national security narrative. The series included contributions from former Assistant Secretary of State P.J. Crowley (“Wikileaks: One Year Later”), Dr. Anne-Marie Slaughter, former director of policy planning for the U.S. State Department (“Beyond Hot Spots and Crises in Our Interconnected World”), and Harold Koh, legal advisor to the U.S. Department of State (“A Smart Power Approach to International Law and National Security”), Professor Ronald Deibert (“A Perfect Storm in Cyberspace”) and other scholars and experts in the fields of diplomacy, national security and international law. The full presentations are available on the JLIA website.
The journal's second issue, to be published in September 2012, will be based on the lecture series, and will examine the threats, responses and accountability mechanisms that will define the legal and policy contours of the future national security framework.
As the journal enters its second year, Professor Gaudion says that “it will continue to offer an interdisciplinary lens for examining the most pressing and complex international problems and trends.” Future projects include a collaborative effort with the Folke Bernadotte Academy of Sweden exploring the policy implications of analytical research on peacemaking and dispute mediation, an issue examining how futures studies influence international policy and strategic planning, and a symposium on the role international tribunals play in addressing violence against women.
Submissions may be sent via ExpressO or via email to Professor Amy Gaudion